AZUR mobility is the perfect partner to assist you with your relocation to France.
Our multilingual team assists corporate clients, employees and private clients coming from France or abroad. We will help you settle in and ensure a smooth transition.
AZUR mobility is specialised in the search of homes for rent and for sale. We propose a wide range of services that allows us to help you all along your project: schools for your children, opening a French bank account, administrative services, immigration services, subscription of contracts, departure services and many more.

Tailor-made services
Do you want to offer full relocation and settling-in services to your newly hired or transferred employees? Do you want to be relieved of the complicated and time consuming immigration matters? AZUR mobility will take care of it!
Does your company offer relocation and settling-in services to you? You do not have time to search for housing? You do not know how to benefit from the Mobili Pass grant? AZUR mobility is here to assist you!
Private clients
You are not at ease in French and you need help from our multilingual team? Do you need assistance with immigration and social matters? Are you looking for appropriate schools for your children? AZUR mobility is here to help.
Who are we?

Since 2006 we relocated and helped settle in hundreds of families from all over the world and we are proud of it.
A sample of our clients

Eu me mudei do Brasil para Marseille, para um período de seis meses de licença sabática. Todo o processo de mudança e instalação aconteceu de forma muito tranquila. Eu quero agradecer os excelentes serviços e toda a gentileza dispensada. Eu não teria conseguido sem a AZUR mobility.
I moved from Brazil to Marseille for my job. The whole relocation process ran extremely smoothly. I would like to thank the team of AZUR mobility for your excellent services and for your kindness. Without your help I could not have done it.
Ich hatte das Vergnügen zweimal mit AZUR mobility zusammen zu arbeiten. Nach einem Telefonat zur Klärung der Wünsche suchte AZUR mobility entsprechenden Wohnungen und kümmerte sich um die Termine. Perfekt. Jede der ausgewählten Wohnungen entsprach genau meinen Wünschen und so hatte ich die Qual der Wahl. Insgesamt kann ich AZUR mobility nur empfehlen und werde sicher wieder mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten, sollte ich nach Südfrankreich zurück kommen.
I had the pleasure to work already twice with the ladies from AZUR mobility. After a call to determine my needs, they searched apartments that fit and organised the visits as well. Perfect. Each of the selected apartments was fitting perfectly my expressed needs and thus I had the burden of choice. Summing up, I fully recommended AZUR mobility and I will work with them for sure if I should come back to southern France.
Nous faisons appel à AZUR mobility depuis de nombreuses années. Ellen et Frédérique sont réactives, disponibles et efficaces. Après un court échange (check list) sur nos demandes et celles de notre salarié, la mission débute immédiatement. AZUR mobility connaît parfaitement la région, ce qui est important pour faire découvrir plusieurs appartements ou villas à visiter. Avec plein d’énergie, enthousiasme et un esprit ouvert AZUR mobility réussit à satisfaire le salarié, même pour des services qui semblent, de premier abord, banals, comme l’ouverture d’un compte bancaire ou d’une ligne téléphonique.
Nous sommes très satisfaits de leur professionnalisme et de la qualité de leurs prestations et recommandons vivement leurs services.We work with AZUR mobility for several years now. Ellen and Frederique are very pleasant and cooperative. They immediately start their missions after a short conference call with our head office and with our employee to determine the needs. AZUR mobility knows the region really well, which is essential to find good housing. All team members are reliable, enthusiastic and open-minded. Simple things that turn out not to be that simple when you are not a French citizen, like opening bank accounts or phone lines, are also taken care of successfully by AZUR mobility.
We are very satisfied about the quality of their services and we fully recommend them.
Hired the firm to provide relocation services for high-level executives, to find housing in Aix-en-Provence with very short lead-time. Their team went the extra-mile and was able to propose severable apartments for good value in a very difficult market, something others had not achieved. Great after service too. It is a pleasure to work with this team. They are reliable, master several languages and they know the housing market in the South of France and how to avoid pitfalls. I recommend AZUR mobility vividly to anyone seeking relocation services in the South of France.
Ho solo dovuto scrivere qualche mail e rispondere ad alcune domande. Dopo questo, cio’ che AZUR mobility ha fatto per me e la mia famiglia è stato esattamente cio’ che ci si aspetta da un’azienda di Mobility: gli appartamenti che ci ha mostrato, i contratti che ci ha proposto e la gentilezza durante e dopo il perido del trasferimento.
Con Azur, è stato facile trasferirsi dalla Sicilia alla Provenza.
I just needed to explain my housing criteria and answer some questions to AZUR mobility and their team already started the relocation process. They organised and offered to my family and me exactly what we hoped from a mobility service. The houses they showed and the contracts proposed fitted perfectly our needs. The team was also very friendly before, during and even after our move to Aix en Provence.
With AZUR mobility, it was easy to move from Sicily to Provence.